The Cultural Association Amigdala
XIV AMIGDALA International Music Competition
memorial "Giuseppe Raciti"
For piano, strings, winds, guitar and plucked string instruments, harp, chamber music, composition, and opera singing
LIVE Edition 2025
DEADLINE April 20, 2025
The competition will take place from May 6 to May 11, 2025
Venues: Teatro "Leonardo Sciascia" and Palazzo "Recupero-Cutore"
Aci Bonaccorsi (Catania - Sicily - Italy)
Gala Concert: Wednesday, May 11, 2025
Registration deadline: April 20, 2025
The final program will be published on April 27, 2025
The Amigdala Cultural Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to discovering talented musicians from around the world through competitions and other performance opportunities. Our goal is to promote musical culture and foster social, cultural, and artistic exchange.
Article 1
The competition is open to musicians of all nationalities with no age limits.
Article 2
The competition is divided into the following SECTIONS:
Section 1: Piano
Section 2: Strings
Section 3: Winds (soloists and ensembles)
Section 4: Guitar, mandolin, tamburitza, and all plucked string instruments (soloists and ensembles)
Section 5: Piano duet
Section 6: Chamber music (up to 10 members)
Section 7: Harp (solo and ensemble)
Section 8: Opera singing (soloists and groups up to 4 members)
Section 9: Composition
Article 3
Each category has specific performance time limits. The committee reserves the right to stop competitors exceeding these limits.
Sections 1 & 2 (Piano and Strings):
Baby Musicians: Born from 01/01/2018, free program, max 5 min. - Entry fee €40.00
Category A: Born from 01/01/2014, free program, max 8 min. - Entry fee €45.00
Category B: Born from 01/01/2011, free program, max 10 min. - Entry fee €50.00
Category C: Born from 01/01/2008, free program, max 13 min. - Entry fee €55.00
Category D: Born from 01/01/2005, free program, max 15 min. - Entry fee €60.00
Category E: Born from 01/01/2002, free program, max 23 min. - Entry fee €65.00
Category F: No age limit, free program, max 30 min. - Entry fee €75.00
For the "Nino Belfiore" scholarship (Strings section only), competitors must select one piece from the designated list. enter
Sections 3, 4, 7 (Winds, Plucked Strings, Harp):
Baby Musicians: Born from 01/01/2018, free program, max 5 min. - Entry fee €40.00
Category A: Born from 01/01/2014, free program, max 8 min. - Entry fee €45.00
Category B: Born from 01/01/2011, free program, max 10 min. - Entry fee €50.00
Category C: Born from 01/01/2008, free program, max 13 min. - Entry fee €55.00
Category D: Born from 01/01/2005, free program, max 15 min. - Entry fee €60.00
Category E: Born from 01/01/2002, free program, max 23 min. - Entry fee €65.00
Category F: No age limit, free program, max 30 min. - Entry fee €75.00
Category G (Ensembles - Winds, Plucked Strings, Harp)
Category G1: Ensembles born from 01/01/2005 (based on the average age of the group), free program, max 10 min. - Entry fee €30.00 per member.
For ensembles with more than 5 members, a fee of €25.00 per member applies (one-time payment).
Category G2: Ensembles with no age limit, free program, max 15 min. - Entry fee €35.00 per member.
For ensembles with more than 5 members, a fee of €30.00 per member applies (one-time payment).
For the "Nino Belfiore" scholarship (Winds section only), competitors must select one piece from the designated list. enter
Section 5 (Piano Duet) - Age is based on the duo's average age:
Category A: Born from 01/01/2010, max 8 min. - Entry fee €40.00 per member
Category B: Born from 01/01/2001, max 12 min. - Entry fee €40.00 per member
Category C: No age limit, max 20 min. - Entry fee €45.00 per member
Category D (Teachers/Students): Born from 01/01/2012, max 8 min. - Entry fee €35.00 per student
Section 6 (Chamber Music) - Age is based on the ensemble's average age:
Category A: Born from 01/01/2009, max 8 min. - Entry fee €40.00 per member
Category B: Born from 01/01/1997, max 12 min. - Entry fee €40.00 per member
Category C: No age limit, max 20 min. - Entry fee €45.00 per member
For ensembles with more than 5 members, the fee is €30.00 per member (one-time payment).
For the "Nino Belfiore" scholarship, competitors must select one piece from the designated list. enter
Section 8 (Opera Singing):
Category A: Children's voices, max 10 min. - Entry fee €50.00
Category B: Born from 01/01/1997, max 15 min. - Entry fee €70.00
Category C: No age limit, max 20 min. - Entry fee €75.00
Category D: Opera singing groups (max 4 members), max 10 min. - Entry fee €40.00 per member
Section 9 (Composition):
Young Composers: Born from 01/01/2007, one composition (max 7 min.) - Entry fee €75.00
Category A: Solo instrument composition, max 10 min. - Entry fee €75.00
Category B: Chamber music composition, max 10 min. - Entry fee €75.00
Category C: Orchestral composition, max 10 min. - Entry fee €75.00
Compositions must be submitted in PDF or printed format along with the registration form.
To ensure anonymity, no names should appear on the scores.
The evaluations will be published on this website on May 12, 2025 (after the Closing Gala), and the winners of the special prizes will be included in the Competition's Golden Book.
The assignment of Special Prizes will be announced during the Closing Gala.
Competitors must arrange their own accompanist if necessary. For those who need one, the competition management provides an official accompanist. Those wishing to use this service must indicate it on the registration form and attach a copy of the piano score. The accompanist fee must be paid in cash upon arrival at the registration desk.
€30.00 for Sections 2, 3, 7 (Baby Musicians, Categories A, B, C)
€40.00 for Sections 2, 3, 7 (Categories D, E)
€50.00 for Sections 2, 3, 7 (Category F) - Section 8 (all categories)
Article 4
The final schedule will be published on April 27, 2025, on the website: www.amigdalainternationalcompetition.it
Article 5
All competitors may participate in multiple sections and categories by paying the corresponding registration fee.
Additionally, by paying the relevant registration fee, they may also participate in the ONLINE Amigdala Competition.
The pieces to be performed must be original (transcriptions or arrangements of the composer's original work are not allowed).
Upon arrival at the competition venue, competitors must present an identification document at the registration desk and, before their performance, submit two copies of the scores to be performed to the jury.
Candidates will perform in alphabetical order according to the final schedule, which will be announced on April 27, 2025, on: www.amigdalainternationalcompetition.it
The competition organizers reserve the right to make changes to the final schedule. Competitors who have already registered will be notified via email in case of any schedule modifications.
Article 6
The jury, with an international profile, consists of professors from conservatories and music institutes, renowned musicians from various areas of the music world, as well as the President of the liberaAMIGDALA Cultural Association and the Artistic Director. Jury members must abstain from voting in cases of family or teaching relationships that are ongoing or have occurred within the two years preceding the competition.
Scores will be communicated at the end of each category and will be calculated in a hundred-point system, averaging the scores assigned by the judges.
The "Awards Committee", composed of the President of the Association and the Artistic Director, determines the assignment of Special Prizes at the end of the competition and announces them during the Final Gala. The committee also establishes the program and timing of the Gala, selecting from among all the First Prize Absolute winners(100/100).
In the event of a tie with a score of 100/100 within a category, the jury will equally divide the prize.
The decisions of the jury are final, indisputable, and irrevocable.
Article 7
The organization reserves the right to make changes to these rules or to cancel the event by fully refunding the fees paid at the time of registration
Article 8
We consider First Absolute Prize those who will obtain 100/100
We consider First Prize those who will obtain from 95 to 99
We consider Second Prize those who will obtain from 90 to 94
We consider Third Prize those who will obtain from 85 to 89
We consider Fourth Prize those who will obtain from 80 to 84
All awarded participants awarded 100/100 will receive a diploma of Merit, a cup and a scolarship during the Final Gala
Candidates awarded from 80/100 to 99/100 will be receive the Diploma of Merit
Candidates with a score lower than 80/100 will receive a Certificate of Participation
The Gala Concert
will be held on Wednesday, May 11th, 2025 at 5.00 p.m.
"L. SCIASCIA" Theatre
via Garibaldi, 44 - Aci Bonaccorsi
All the absolute first winners chosen must be present at the Awarding Ceremony.
The same cannot demand any financial claims for their execution and for any possible " Award Concerts".
In the respect of the Music and of the Committee, the candidates are invited to wear appropriate clothing at the Final Gala
The Association is not responsible for thefts and accidents to persons and/or belongings, neither during the journey nor throughout the duration of the competition.
Registration for the Competition implies acceptance of all the rules contained in the regulation.
Article 9
This cultural event is not comparable to the sweepstakes, as intended by D.P.R.430/2001, art.6 com.1. Therefore, the Resolution n.8/1251 of the 28th October 1976 decides that the prizes will not be income taxed at the source.However,we specify that the final prizes will be added to Your personal income and the winners will have to pay own compulsory contributions on the basis of Your income tax return.
Article 10
The Directive of Ass. Cult. liberaAMIGDALA:
Prof.ssa Maria Grazia Palermo Chairwoman
Ing. Giovanni Faro Vice-Chairman
Dott. Tommaso Stasi Secretary
Prof.ssa Antonella Scuderi Artistic Director
scuderiantonella59@hotmail.com tel. 338 1140344
M° Yoshiaki Shibata Honorary member of Ass. Cult. liberaAMIGDALA, Artistic Coordinator of the "Strings" and "Chamber Music" sections for AMIGDALA International Music Competition
M° Jena Chun-Wah Pang Honorary member of Ass. Cult. liberaAMIGDALA
secretariat: Via Sottotenente Scuderi, 69 95029 Viagrande CT
telefono +39 338 1140344 - +39 348 0063108