Frequently asked question

1. Where can I find the contest rules?

click here for AMIGDALA International PRIZE for PIANO INTERPRETATION rules

click here for AMIGDALA International Music Competition - memory "G. Raciti" rules ONLINE edition

click here for AMIGDALA International Music Competition - memory "G. Raciti" rules - LIVE edition

2. How do I enter the competition?

click here to enter the AMIGDALA International PRIZE for PIANO INTERPRETATION contest

click here to enter the AMIGDALA International Music Competition - memory "G. Raciti" - ONLINE edition contest

click here to enter the AMIGDALA International Music Competition - memory "G. Raciti" - LIVE edition contest 

3. Where can I find all the Competitors Awarded with 100/100 of all editions?

For the Competitors Awarded with 100/100 in AMIGDALA International PRIZE for PIANO INTERPRETATION click here

For the Competitors Awarded with 100/100 in AMIGDALA International Music Competition - memorial"G. Raciti" click here

4. What are the scholarships?

For the AMIGDALA International Music Competition - memory "G. Raciti" Prizes - LIVE edition Prizes click here

5. How can I see photos and videos of all editions?

6. How can I reach you?

7. How can I organize excursions with multilingual guides?

8. Where can I stay during the Competition?

9. Can I register for both the live contest and the online contest?

YES, by submitting a regular registration through the electronic form and paying the relative registration fee

10. Where can I find the Composition section?

In AMIGDALA International Music Competition - memorial "G. Raciti" - LIVE edition click here