Contestants must submit their applications through:


filling out the electronic form 

The following attachments will be required:

  • Identity document,
  • Payment receipt via bank transfer or PayPal,
  • High-resolution personal photo (at least 300 dpi - max 5 Mb) to be used for publication in the hall of fame of the website in case of first absolute prize.
  • PDF score of the competition composition for section 9.
  • PDF score for accompanying pianist (only if the presence of the official accompanying pianist of the competition is requested).


The registration fee must be paid via BANK TRANSFER or PAYPAL

  • bank transfer

bank transfer to: Associazione Culturale libera Amigdala

codice IBAN: IT23V0623016911000015130651codIce 


Crédit Agricole - Viale Ruggero di Lauria - Catania

  • PayPal
    In case of payment with PayPal, add € 4 more to the registration fee for the cost of the operation


  • In the payment description, please indicate the candidate's full name, section, and category. 
  • All groups must submit only one registration form and a single payment.

    The registration fee will only be refunded in case of cancellation of the competition

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